Massage Spa 

Let your mind and body relax


Contact Us

Hours of Operation

Open All Days in Week

The ultimate indulgence

 Day Spa, wants to be your first choice for all your healthy, healing spa needs. We have researched and obtained only the finest and freshest products available to provide a unique and relaxing experience for anyone. Come take a tour, We have soothing relaxation and truly pampering experiences available for clients.

100% organic oils

Revitalize your skin with 100% organic essential oils

Soothing atmosphere

Convenient and affordable place to de-stress and be pampered.

Experienced therapists

Look and feel refreshed with the lasting look you want!

We will help your body relax and your mind unwind. Come enjoy the best massages in town. 

The best on offer

Choose from our bestsellers

Rs. 2500

Rs. 3000

Rs. 3500

Sandwich Massage

Rs. 3500

Schedule your massage

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